
New Shop Open

Well at last the lock down has eased and we have opened our new shop for business It is not fully completed but is fully stocked It can be found in the Barclays Business Centre Unit 24, Barclays Business Centre, Aintree Park,   Liverpool L9 7AU  You will see the sign used as a header to this post above the unit Here are some photos of the unit  Here is our first customer  Trevor has come from Wales to try out the scales - I hid the weight display to save his blushes but he is losing  weight  on a raw diet  from  the Raw Paw Store. Looks well for an 11 year old The ladies love him! and so does Michael nad here is Peggy the Frenchie with her dinner Holly sorts out one of the displays of treats How the unit looked last month We now have a walk in freezer to keep all the food in great condition As well as many display freezers

Dr. Becker Discusses Raw Food Diet (Part 1)


A detailed article by a Veterinary Surgeon

A detailed resume of Raw Feeding Cats and Dogs by   by J M Craig BVSc CertSAD MRCVS, Referral Dermatologist, Re-Fur-All Referrals This article reviews the reasons for feeding domestic dogs and cats a diet based on raw meaty bones.  Dogs, though able and willing to eat a wide variety of foods, exhibit numerous carnivorous traits, and are classified as carnivores.  Dogs have been shown to prefer foods with nutrient profiles much closer to those of a wild wolf diet than those of kibbled diets, raising the possibility that dogs fed modern commercial diets, low in protein, and high in carbohydrate and additives, might face physiological and metabolic challenges.  Cats are strict, obligate carnivores with characteristic dentition and a short digestive tract. A well-constructed raw food diet is high in protein, nutrient-rich, satiating, extremely palatable, and high in prebiotic ‘animal fibre’.  Early domestic dogs were not ‘fed’ but allowed to forage for the...

How to Make Bone Broth for your pet

Friday, May 8, 2020  Bone broth can easily be made following the instructions below. Bone broth is used in many ways in particular if you pet has a upset tummy: sickness and diarrhoea then introduce some. BONE BROTH.... I am going to show you how to make bone broth at home. Ingredients  you will need for this recipe are  2x beef mini marrow bones,  5x chicken/duck wings  200g x chicken/turkeyv neck,  2x springs of rosemary,  1x bulb of garlic & 1x lemon Place all the bones/meat into a large pan leaving out the lemon garlic and rosemary at this point, Then place on high heat to bring to the boil. As it comes to the boil you will see grey foam form at the top skim all of this using a ladle, once all fat and foam has been removed then add the rosemary garlic and lemon. If you added this at the start you would have skimmed a lot of rosemary out and some garlic. Now leave to simmer for 3 hours. After 3 hours has passed enough goodness and flavours would...